How Does Pepper Spray Work To Stop An Attack?

PEPPER SPRAY Pepper spray has a dynamic ingredient called OC or oleoresin capsicum . The OC is taken from Cayenne peppers which are a portion of the most blazing peppers found in the world. Unlike MACE or tear gas, which are for the most part aggravations, pepper spray otherwise called OC, is an incendiary agent. Contact with the mucous membranes, which are the eyes, nose, throat and lungs, can cause prompt enlargement of the vessels. At the point when this happens, there can be brief visual impairment if the eyes are hit, hacking and wheezing if the splash is taken in. OC can make an extreme consuming sensation on the surface of the skin. Be that as it may, OC won't cause enduring impacts and usually the effects wear off within an hour or so. Since OC is an inflammatory agent and not an aggravation it is as yet successful on the individuals who feel no pain, for example, psychotics and those affected by drug...